Our story

The idea for Pipeline Playwrights took root in the fall of 2016 when four Northern Virginia playwrights—Ann Timmons, Jean Koppen, Patricia Connelly, and Soo-Jin Lee—decided they wanted to get their work in front of a wider audience. Pipeline Playwrights launched formally in February 2017, under the auspices of Thelma Theatre.

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As a producing and writing collective, we work together to support, present, and promote the work of women playwrights. We believe theater should reflect the reality of daily life while exploring the infinite variety of our collective experiences as women. Our goal is to write and produce plays that communicate truths that bind us all together in community. In addition to three of the original co-founders, Ann Timmons, Jean Koppen, and Patricia Connelly, Pipeline Playwrights now includes Nicole Burton and Crystal Adaway. Even though we are now more spread out geographically, we continue to meet to nurture each other’s creative work, and together we produce staged productions and readings of our new plays. We also run workshops and mentor other women playwrights, giving them opportunities to hear their works read aloud and share them with our audience.

Want to find out more about what’s coming down the Pipeline?

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