Capital Fringe Festival 2018
How's That Workin' Out For Ya?, our cheeky take on women, power, and politics, was produced in July, 2018 at Arena Stage as part of the Capital Fringe Festival. This program of four short subversive was a great success; we welcomed many news supporters to the Pipeline family and we sold out every show!
How’s That Workin’ Out For Ya?
by Nicole Burton, Patricia Connelly, Jean Koppen, and Ann Timmons
2018 Capital Fringe Review: How’s that Workin’ Out For Ya?
DC Metro Theatre Arts, July 19, 2018
by Ellie Milewski
Four intelligent and gifted female playwrights/directors, three bold female actors and their marvelous male partner in crime, and a wonderful crew, walk into Arena Stage to perform four completely unique stories in 75 minutes. You may ask them, how’s that workin’ out for ya? The answer is, extremely well.
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Review: How’s That Workin’ Out for Ya? at Capital Fringe
DC Theatre Scene, July 18, 2018
by Kelly Whealan George
. . . How’s That Workin’ Out for Ya? is four subversive comedies by 4 playwrights with 4 actors: 3 women and 1 man. These are not subversive in an inflammatory way but more revolutionary, rebellious, and thought provoking.
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Kanysha Williams, Carol Cadby, Natasha-lee Loyola, and Kevin Dykstra in How’s That Workin’ Out For Ya?